Apex Blog
On this page you will find current posts from Apex that will give you greater insight into the latest products that we have to offer you. The blog will give examples of real use cases for our products, which have improved efficiency for companies by saving time, resources and money. You can also find a rage of news stories and other blog posts from relevant sectors.
Movement Indicators for tool, vehicle and electronics hire companies.
The Tip(N)Tell indicator is the choice to monitor proper handling of tools and vehicles by customers during hire.
Tip N Tell indicator is dependable - no false activation under normal handling - no activation caused by normal vibration.
It's a 100% reliable and affordable solution to monitoring and controlling handling of your valuable hire equipment.
Check out our movement products page to find out more.
With technology ever changing and innovating it can be a challenge to keep up to date. The Internet of Things is becoming an increasingly popular topic across a wide range of business sectors.
Apex Standard provides a great range of digital products that can connect via WiFi to the internet. This will enable you access to real time insight into the location and wellbeing of your monitored packages and machinery. Take a look at our range of digital products here.
What’s the future of pharma shipping?
A great article in Packaging Digest by Daphne Allen, on the changing pharma market. It discusses ways in which companies can facilitate the emerging patient-centric movement. Shipping direct to customers will mean a considerable increase in the number of packages to monitor. With Apex's variety of temperature monitoring devices, a cost effective solution can be reached whilst maintaining your customer's complete trust.
Digi Shock Upgrade
Our range of Digi Shock Products have had an upgrade! The G, GT and XT all have improved features but are staying at the same price as previous versions. These products are reusable digital recorders that will monitor and record impact and temperature for goods in transit or storage and on equipment
and structures. Check out our Digital Products page to find out more.